A loop antenna capable of providing over-the-horizon directional communication by using the ionosphere to provide long distance links in a semi-directional manner, operated from a stationary position or in mobile operation.
Two antennas, in either single or double loop configuration
Loop 1, 2-11MHz
Loop 2, 11-30MHz
Dual, 2-30MHz
Capable of traversing 360°, and elevating from 0-90°
Self-tracking using an inertial measurement unit
Power rating: -1kW
Maximum voltage potential: -30kV
Operates on 24-28V
Communication via USB, Ethernet, RSXXX
To provide over the horizon directional communication by using the ionosphere to provide long distance links in a semi directional manner and can be operated from a stationary position or mobile operation.
Research and development focus
The loop antenna is a well-proven design and is coming back into general military use because of its characteristics. In our concept and development system we are adding the ability to rotate the antenna and elevate it so mobile OTH (over-the-horizon) operation can be used in most weathers. When the unit is not required for operation, the antenna can be lowered into the horizontal position for the purpose of protecting it from damage during transit. With the MKIII and the more advanced software it will be able to self-track based on a multi-axis navigation system, based on MEMS technology.